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中智EAP携手Lyra Health共探员工心理健康之道

2024-02-26 18:33:55作者:中智EAP点击:3577A+A-分享

Lyra Health and CIIC Guanaitong: Forging a Partnership for Employee Well-being


After the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has witnessed various changes, swiftly transforming mental health issues into a global concern. Enhancing employee mental well-being has become a focal point for global enterprises and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service providers. Simultaneously, with the deepening globalization of the Chinese economy, domestic companies are expanding into international markets, and foreign enterprises are entering the Chinese market. In this context, ensuring that employees worldwide have equal access to effective, high-quality EAP services has become a topic worthy of in-depth exploration.

这样的背景下,中智关爱通旗下的中智EAP与国际领先员工心理健康服务商Lyra Health(以下简称“Lyra”)建立了合作关系,为Lyra在华客户提供服务。

Against this backdrop,CIIC EAP, a subsidiary of CIIC Guanaitong has established a partnership with Lyra Health, a leading international Workforce Mental Health service provider, to bring mental health and wellbeing services to Lyra customers with employees in China. 


The two companies engaged in a series of exchange and learning sessions from January 15th to January 18th in Shanghai. This initiative allowed CIIC EAP to gain insights into international EAP philosophies, practices, and Lyra's valuable experience in serving over 17 million members across 2,500 customers globally. Additionally, the initiative leveraged the influence of an international EAP service provider to garner global attention for the innovative contributions of CIIC EAP, CIIC Group, and Chinese mental health organizations. 


The two companies share a common mission and vision to bring exceptional, evidence-based mental health services to people around the world.

在为期四天的交流学习中,中智关爱通总经理潘军和中智关爱通副总经理邬文皓向Lyra代表团介绍了中智关爱通的整体状况、使命与发展目标,中智EAP总顾问史厚今、中智EAP执行总监殷实、中智EAP项目组高级经理毛寒晓则分享了中智EAP发展历程和团队状况,Lyra国际业务负责人Andrew Davies也分享了Lyra的全球化战略、发展机遇与愿景。

Over the four-day exchange and learning sessions, Mr. Pan Jun, General Manager of CIIC Guanaitong, and Mr. Wu Wenhao, Deputy General Manager, provided Lyra's delegation with an overview of CIIC Guanaitong's mission, development goals, and the current state. Further insights into CIIC EAP's development journey and team dynamics were shared by Mrs. Shi Houjin, Chief Consultant of CIIC EAP, Mr. Yin Shi, Executive Director of CIIC EAP, and Mrs. Mao Hanxiao, Program Director of CIIC EAP. Mr. Andrew Davies, Head of Lyra International also shared Lyra's global strategy, development opportunities, and vision.


To deepen mutual understanding, facilitate mutual learning, and achieve shared growth goals, both CIIC EAP and Lyra engaged in in-depth discussions on the current status and trends of global EAP, challenges faced, and strategies for addressing these challenges. Through this collaborative workshop, both teams gained valuable experiences and insights, developing a clearer understanding and strategic plan for the future of employee mental health services.


In an effort to showcase the efforts and innovations made by Chinese enterprises in employee care, the CIIC EAP team guided Lyra's delegation on a tour of the Shanghai workplace of CIIC Guanaitong. During the visit, CIIC EAP detailed a series of measures and practices related to employee welfare and care, including diverse services such as psychological counseling, health consultations, employee training, and the Lunar New Year's Shopping Street. These initiatives not only reflected CIIC Guanaitong's commitment to employee health and happiness but also provided Lyra's delegation with a crucial window into understanding Chinese corporate culture and employee care practices.


As part of the two companies’ relationship, CIIC EAP and Lyra have reached shared commitments on several key aspects:

01 提供以技术为驱动的高质量心理健康服务

Providing Technology-Driven, High-Quality Mental Health Services:


With the increasing demand for mental health services, maintaining high standards and quality services is a shared commitment. Both parties recognize the need to continuously innovate service methods using state-of-the-art technology to meet the diverse needs and expectations of clients.

02 保持国际化、高标准、本土化的服务质量

Maintaining International, High Standards, and Localized Service Quality:


Mental health services should not be a mere replication of international standards but should consider cultural differences and societal backgrounds. Both parties acknowledge the importance of ensuring international, high-standard service quality while respecting and adapting to local cultural customs to provide mental health services that align with local needs.

03 推动让心理健康服务平等惠及每位员工

Promoting Equal Access to Mental Health Services for All Employees:


Enterprises need to treat employees' mental health issues as equally important as business development. EAP service providers should focus on providing comprehensive, high-quality mental health services for every employee, helping them maintain a healthy mindset in both work and life.


This exchange and exploration have laid a solid foundation for future collaboration between CIIC EAP and Lyra in the field of employee mental health services. 


Both teams express their commitment to continued in-depth communication and cooperation, elevating the level and quality of mental health services. They aim to make significant contributions to the mental well-being of both enterprises and employees while actively participating in international cooperation and exchanges to promote the global development of mental health initiatives.

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中智EAP携手Lyra Health共探员工心理健康之道

